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Beverly Beuermann-King

With an impressive track record spanning over 25 years, Beverly has been guiding her audiences toward mastering their reactions to stress, cultivating a culture of resilience, and achieving thriving, engaged lives through her innovative S-O-S Principle™ and Work Smart Live Smart presentations. Beverly works with teams and leaders to shift from stressed out to resilient, enabling them to be more engaged, productive, and healthy.

Live Webinars


By: Beverly Beuermann-King

March 28, 2025

Gossip-Free: Leadership Techniques to Quell Office Chatter

In the workplace, the insidious nature of gossip can corrode trust, hinder productivity, and give rise to a toxic work environment. Empower yourself with the strategies to quell rumors, eliminate …

Industry: HR Compliance   Duration: 60 Minutes   Time: 10:00 AM PDT | 01:00 PM EDT



By: Beverly Beuermann-King

Recorded Session

Managing Toxic Employees: Strategies For Leaders To Effectively Deal With Employee Attitude Issues

Managing other people is never easy, but some employees make it particularly difficult. When an employee's toxic behavior is not addressed properly, other team members become resentful, they l…

Industry: HR Compliance   Duration: 60 Minutes   


By: Beverly Beuermann-King

Recorded Session

Terminating Toxicity: Strategies For Leaders To Confidently Deal With Toxic Behaviors

Successful leaders know that the survival of our organization during this uncertainty depends not just on the technical skills within our team, but also on their ability to deal respectfully and c…

Industry: HR Compliance   Duration: 60 Minutes  


By: Beverly Beuermann-King

Recorded Session

Effectively Controlling Conflict At Work: Practical Strategies To Confidently Resolve Conflict In The Early Stages

You work in a complex and ever-evolving workplace. Conflict is a natural result of people having different points of view, values, and beliefs.

When left unaddressed, workplace conflict…

Industry: HR Compliance   Duration: 90 Minutes