Pete Tosh is the Founder of The Focus Group, a management consulting and training firm that assists organizations in sustaining profitable growth through four core disciplines:
The Focus Group has provided these consulting and training services to manufacturing and service organizations across the U.S., Canada, Europe, and the Middle East. Pete has worked closely with the leadership teams of organizations such as Exxon, Brinks, EMC, State Farm, Marriott, N.C.I. YKK and Freddie Mac
Pete holds a B.A. degree in Psychology from Emory and Henry University and Masters degrees in both Business Administration and Industrial Psychology from Virginia Commonwealth University. Pete also co-authors Leading Your Organization to the Next Level: the Core Disciplines of Sustained Profitable Growth.
Human Resource Departments have traditionally been concerned with the processing of transactions and administrative functions - often with little or no objective data to provide them feedback on:<…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 60 Minutes Time: 12:00 PM PDT | 03:00 PM EDT
Stay interviews are an important means of re-recruiting your workforce – because what attracts your employees is often different from what will keep them. Stay interviews tend to improve eng…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 60 Minutes
Toxic employees cause significant overt, covert, people-related & financial damage with their visible behavior just being the tip of the iceberg. For example, in one organization the day a for…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 60 Minutes
Few managers would disagree that their Recruiting, Interviewing, and Selection process significantly impacts all aspects of their organization’s performance—including its profitability…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 60 Minutes
The primary objectives for and deliverables of a Succession Planning program are to:
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 60 Minutes
There is a strong business case for retaining your talent because:
Turnover is rampant
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 90 Minutes
What is Employee Engagement?
Employee engagement is an emotional state and a behavioral reaction to an employee's relationship with his/her manager and perception of the organization. En…
Industry: HR Compliance Duration: 60 Minutes